Message from the President

The first journey with Interior design in Bangladesh started in the 90s. This journey has taken a huge form in the present time. There are now nearly 2 million people in this profession who started out on a journey that had no direction or even a purpose. There was no professional organization or association with all the designers involved in this profession, which was very important for designers. At the end of 2019 few designers felt the need to form an o association the result of that journey Interior Designers Association of Bangladesh (IDAB).

One of the main objectives that Interior Designers Association of Bangladesh (IDAB). started with is the realization of the professional identity of the designers. And I and my organization will work in the future to implement this objective.

We have many plans, many hopes for this organization, this organization will be the life organization of all interior designers in Bangladesh. For this organization, a group of our designers are constantly working to build a beautiful, smart Bangladesh of the future, for a beautiful organization, a group of beautiful people is needed, which has already been formed in this organization. Preparing Interior design sector for growth.

We've had a good run in the "No Free Designer" movement which is moving forward to examine how interior designers and design firms can make better and fairer design fees based on their experience and approach.

In line with this movement, I am happy to announce that Interior Designers Association of Bangladesh (IDAB) will soon be organizing an online library for the members of several regular workshops, seminars which will upskill our designers as well as help our student members to become a skilled Interior designer in the future.

I believe that through our design awards program we will help the young designers of the future build their profile, work with or compete with the best designers in the world. Interior Design Skilled development: #Best Design skilled development by idab In addition, Interior Designers Association of Bangladesh (IDAB) will curate structured Designpreneur courses, masterclasses and mentorship programs to support new Interior Design start-ups that are registered as Professional Members of Interior Designers Association of Bangladesh (IDAB). Our goal is far away.

Shafiul Islam
Interior Designers Association of Bangladesh(IDAB)